Category: Service

  1. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Twisting Religion!

    Abstract Admin

    I’ve been writing and speaking about social isolation for years. It’s our most significant health crisis. Finding solutions is challenging. Among the opportunities that people generally dismiss and ignore is participation in organizations and groups, populating our disconnected lives. And one of many opportunities to connect of course is in a faith community. That’s right […]

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  2. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Let’s forgive each other… (you go first!)

    Abstract Admin

    I have been thinking quite a bit lately about forgiveness. Forgiving those who offend us is not a widely practiced habit or seemingly even highly valued these days. Among our close relationships there is usually pressure to reconcile and preserve the connection. But this is generally not the case among strangers. We are offended by […]

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  3. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Going Back to the Couch

    Will Miller

    This Fall I will be returning to my psychotherapy practice after many years. I began as a practicing therapist the day I graduated from Columbia School of Social Work in 1990! But in the intervening years I drifted away from private practice to devote my time and energy to pubic speaking and, of course, standup […]

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  4. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    An Unwelcome Duty

    Will Miller

    I was called to attend a death notification by the Police Department yesterday. I do this regularly and it is a difficult duty for sure. But yesterday was something especially awful. Typically such a call is to accompany officers sharing the news to a family death. I have done this countless times over the years. […]

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  5. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Working Overtime!

    Will Miller

    The music world finally said goodbye to a legend! With the passing of Tony Bennett at 96 years old, it is worth reading the online summary of this amazing man’s life and work. Of course we knew him for his delightful and unique signature voice, but this was an American icon with a lived commitment […]

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  6. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Speaker & Comedian: Insights into American Life

    Will Miller

    I spent nearly twenty years as a professional nightclub comedian in New York. Eventually I moved over to become a professional speaker to companies, organizations and their stressed people. My presentation has naturally included standup comedy, because it was baked into my life and speaking. Over time my content has morphed over to more of […]

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  7. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Is teaching ethics to graduate students necessary?

    Will Miller

    For the past six years I have teaching strategic communication courses in the online graduate program at Purdue University. The students we have are all seeking to find positions in strategic communication after completing this Masters Degree. And the program has had a great impact and track record. Our graduates are in communication leadership positions […]

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  8. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    An evening with the Judges

    Will Miller

    This evening I gave a speech to the annual meeting of Indiana Appeal Court Judges. It was a privilege to address them. My sister Barbara is an attorney and brother Stephen is a judge. I have many friends who are attorneys and several who are judges. Most people associate the legal profession with their role […]

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  9. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    My Time in the Army

    Will Miller

    In December 1969 every young man in America was riveted to the pending draft lottery that would tell each of us the likelihood of being drafted into the army. Prior to that year virtually every male between eighteen and twenty six was eligible to be called up. But soon events became ominous because, up until […]

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  10. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Healthcare Communication

    Will Miller

    My next graduate class at Purdue begins next Monday. I will once again be leading the class on Strategic Communication and Health Care. This topic is of special interest to me. I have led this class several times over the past few years. The content is rich and broadly focused on the communication challenges that […]

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