Category: Uncategorized

  1. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Password Hell (purgatory?!)

    Will Miller

    I have chronic issue with my passwords and have no open else to blame. I have to keep learning and relearning to have a reliable system to securely document my passwords (all million of them!) someplace safe. But NO, I keep going to the ‘forgot my password link”, choosing a new one and then promptly […]

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  2. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Going Back to the Couch

    Will Miller

    This Fall I will be returning to my psychotherapy practice after many years. I began as a practicing therapist the day I graduated from Columbia School of Social Work in 1990! But in the intervening years I drifted away from private practice to devote my time and energy to pubic speaking and, of course, standup […]

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  3. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Screw you ADHD! I’m finally my own webmaster!

    Will Miller

    I have always shied away from taking on managing my own website. The technical skill needed to make any additions and changes overwhelmed me. I believed it was too far beyond my ability. The concentration, focus and patience necessary to learn the skill and apply it was too much. But I now realize that this […]

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  4. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Doom Scrolling! 😵‍💫

    Will Miller

    I finally learned the term ’doom scrolling’ recently. I had never heard of it before, but sadly realized that I am sometimes drawn into this temptation myself. It refers to mindless and endless scrolling through online videos depicting bad behavior, road rage incidents and other antisocial behavior caught on cell phone cameras. They are fascinating […]

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  5. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Speaker & Comedian: Insights into American Life

    Will Miller

    I spent nearly twenty years as a professional nightclub comedian in New York. Eventually I moved over to become a professional speaker to companies, organizations and their stressed people. My presentation has naturally included standup comedy, because it was baked into my life and speaking. Over time my content has morphed over to more of […]

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  6. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Is teaching ethics to graduate students necessary?

    Will Miller

    For the past six years I have teaching strategic communication courses in the online graduate program at Purdue University. The students we have are all seeking to find positions in strategic communication after completing this Masters Degree. And the program has had a great impact and track record. Our graduates are in communication leadership positions […]

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  7. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Cognitive Closure: Fierce Ties, Rigid Thinking

    Will Miller

    Arie Kruglanski from the University of Maryland is a noted social psychologist and researcher on extremism. He studies what motivates people to join terrorist groups like ISIS. Dr. Kruglanski writes about the psychology of binary thinking. His principle is called ‘cognitive closure’ in psychology. It’s defined by the APA as a state where a person […]

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  8. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    An evening with the Judges

    Will Miller

    This evening I gave a speech to the annual meeting of Indiana Appeal Court Judges. It was a privilege to address them. My sister Barbara is an attorney and brother Stephen is a judge. I have many friends who are attorneys and several who are judges. Most people associate the legal profession with their role […]

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  9. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Fierce Ties

    Will Miller

    In our book Refrigerator Rights Glenn Sparks and I make the case that America’s current social isolation and its lethal consequences are a direct result of two significant social forces: moving and media. Over the decades our regular relocation away from established relationships is an American norm. But the failure to reconnect in our new […]

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  10. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Morning Pages

    Will Miller

    For the past several years I have been writing a daily journal. The system I use is called ‘Morning Pages’. It’s an appoint my Mac, but you can use any system. Just a word document will do. I have been faithful to my daily entries and believe that this practice has had significant psychological impact […]

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