
  1. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Graduation Jolt

    Will Miller

    A few years after the publication of Refrigerator Rights, Glenn and I published an ebook. We called it Graduation Jolt. It talked about the particular challenge that college students inevitably face after their graduation. Although it’s something of a generalization, many, of not most students who attend college full time transition for their home life […]

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  2. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Life Long Learning

    Will Miller

    Anyone who knows me understands that I am clearly a lifelong learner to the max! My joy has always been reading and accumulating knowledge, especially applied leaning for my work in therapy. And I’ve done this traditionally within the confines of formal university curricula. I have to admit that part of that is acknowledging my […]

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  3. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Wisdom & Change

    Will Miller

    Hearing words of wisdom is no guarantee that I absorb the feelings around these insights. What penetrates our feelings and moves us to become convicted? Is it an answered prayer? Is it an experience that pushes through our awareness? What is that surge of emotion we feel when we have an unexpected experience? What are […]

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  4. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Words of Wisdom & Conviction

    Will Miller

    Human change is difficult. It’s a life long process. We are formed by our genes, our nurture, influences, temperament and a never ending lifetime of experiences along the way. We know this and we are in a constant state of awareness about what we would like to change about ourselves. Do I want to become […]

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  5. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.


    Will Miller

    I have never been passionate about physical exercise. I have always been active (as in always moving). Over my lifetime I have had a few times where I use a gym. I am on the board of the YMCA, an organization that I love, and I have used exercise equipment intermittently over the years. I […]

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  6. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Power of a Journal

    Will Miller

    I have been a devoted user of the APP ‘Morning Pages’. I write an entry every single day. I commit to writing at least three hundred words. I rarely miss a day and for three years I have been faithful. And the promise of the endeavor is that it has the power of personal change […]

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  7. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    ADHD Blues

    Will Miller

    I have had severe ADHD my entire life. It has brought some amazing benefits, but has also created real life problems. Most of the problems have been related to my career – or should I say my careers. I have had normal professional jobs and unique jobs. My favorite of course was the the thirty […]

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  8. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Web Help!

    Will Miller

    A shout out to the team at American Web Factory! Last month I hired them to rebuild my website ( I worked with Ethan and Matthew and discussed all the details of what I wanted. It was a total rebuild. They were always readily available and enthusiastic to help me. They delivered everything as promised […]

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  9. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Starting my therapy practice

    Will Miller

    I am excited to announce the resumption of my private psychotherapy practice. And my practice will be virtual using a reliable HIPPA compliant TeleHealth system. Clients will not be limited to the cost and challenges of scheduling and location inconvenience. I used this system during COVID and was very pleased with the response and the […]

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