
For Catholics and other Christian’s we are now in the season of Lent. Growing up in the Catholic Church this was a typical and predictable part of the year for us. But if you were not a Church goer, or with no Christian religious history or knowledge, Lent certainly seems strange. Right from the start on ‘Ash Wednesday’ we are all familiar seeing people walk around with the dark blot of ashes on their forehead. It certainly seems curious at least. And as the case for most religious holidays, no matter the tradition, Lent is rife and connected to the centuries old stories preserved from the Christian tradition. But what is it actually? It marks, literally the beginning of a sacred season in the Christian calendar that leading to Easter. More accurately, it leads up to the ‘Holy Week’ stories of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ followed by the Easter Sunday remembrance of his resurrection. So what are Christians called to do during these forty days of waiting? The three themes of Lent are prayer, fasting and charity. All are forms of self denial in honor in this case of God’s salvation story. And perhaps reminds us to follow such forms and practices, like praying, fasting and giving at other times in my life. In fact, if I am not inspired to add such practices in my daily life all year round perhaps Lenten obedience misses the point. And for many who have eschewed formal religious practices what does call me to embrace humility and service? These are basic human practices that bring me into embracing social connection if not conformity. And I suspect it’s the emphasis on conformity that make many step away from religious practice, Lent or otherwise. But humility and serving and generosity are good features of human living whether connected to religion or not.

Posted by Will Miller