Screw you ADHD! I’m finally my own webmaster!
I have always shied away from taking on managing my own website. The technical skill needed to make any additions and changes overwhelmed me. I believed it was too far beyond my ability. The concentration, focus and patience necessary to learn the skill and apply it was too much. But I now realize that this was just my ‘ADHD talking’. My distraction and impatience derailed any such multi step process within the first few minutes. And then came my epiphany of taking charge of this disability. With my long delayed diagnosis and stepping into a treatment, including medication, my life and work have changed rather dramatically! The first test was actually taking personal control of my website. And I am now making changes and improvements on my own. How did this happen? It feels like a miracle! Yet I was able to patiently sit and watch some YouTube instructional videos, all the way through, and learn the WordPress software. Now I am still far from an expert, but I have started and the results have been amazing for me. My website is being improved and changed by me, not a paid, outsourced expert. It isn’t perfect but is on its way to being what I want. You can check out my handiwork here: