Morning Pages
For the past several years I have been writing a daily journal. The system I use is called ‘Morning Pages’. It’s an appoint my Mac, but you can use any system. Just a word document will do. I have been faithful to my daily entries and believe that this practice has had significant psychological impact on my life and work. And research has shown that journaling has well proven power improving our mental health and productivity. Studies at the University of Rochester show that the practice helps you “prioritize problems, fears and concerns”. In another study, researchers found “that ”those with various medical conditions and anxiety who wrote online for 15 minutes three days a week over a 12-week period had increased feelings of well-being and fewer depressive symptoms after one month. Their mental well-being continued to improve during the 12 weeks of journaling”. This practice has great power! Health websites such as HealthLine and WebMD recommend the practice for mind and body. Try starting the practice. I commit to writing three hundred words each day. Write whatever crosses your mind in the moment. No filter, no editing. Just pour out your thoughts and see what happens in a month or two.