Learning Web Editing

I am a daily power user of the web and its technologies. But I know very little about controlling or managing the interior workings. So hosting my website and wanting to manage the process personally has been a learning curve. I am about a month into it and it is slowly becoming a familiar process. I have been updating my blog regularly, nearly daily in fact, and the podcast is a weekly challenge.As I get comfortable with the process I am eager to turn my full attention to the content. What do people want to hear from me and read from me? I am not there yet so I have done little promotion. But down the road I believe I will have somethings to say and share that will be of benefit to others. But it’s not quite there yet. And I‘m simultaneously seeking a specific angle and focus for my speaking content. I am a broad general expert on mental health and am passionate about sharing what I learn and continue to learn. The labeling and promotion it is my challenge. It will come, I know but not yet. Any ideas? Email me: drwillm@gmail.com Thank you!

Posted by Will Miller