I have never been passionate about physical exercise. I have always been active (as in always moving). Over my lifetime I have had a few times where I use a gym. I am on the board of the YMCA, an organization that I love, and I have used exercise equipment intermittently over the years. I have used the treadmill and certainly some weight lifting. But it never became a habit. I tried Yoga but it exceeded my bending capacity. I never stuck it out. I have mostly been faithful to daily walking and still try to be active with this habit. Now recently I was persuaded by Sally to try Pilates. I have no familiarity with this before. Sally has been transformed by her three years of the system. So I tried it and I am about three months in, doing two to three times a week. What a revelation! I will say more on my podcast about the system and its amazing history. And our instructor, Lisa McDonald is amazing and I am hooked for life!
Thank you Lisa, thank you Sally!