Becoming Mellow
I have never been described as mellow. My ADHD has made me inclined to impulsivity and quick to lose my calm. I get irritated too easily and am terribly impatient. I know I am not alone with this characteristic. But being a mental health professional and a minister it has been a lifelong effort to stay calm and patient and resist being provoked. Now I am almost never provoked by people. I am irritated by the small inconveniences that interrupt my functioning. Struggling to find my phone, solve a computer problem, untangle shirt hangers. These are the interruptions usually that set me off. It’s stupid and embarrassing but I cannot overcome it. YET. I am convinced I can conquer this impulsivity for imaptience and self anger with time and discipline. Research shows that meditation, breathing, and focused attention over time can yield permanent brain rewiring and change. I am all about this as I get older. I will keep you updated. Carry with your own challenges.