
  1. Photo of a microphone with blue background.

    The Loneliness Epidemic, Zebras & Baboons (Episode 3)

    Will shares the report of the U.S. Surgeon General' startling report on the epidemic of Loneliness in the U.S. It is a fitting topic for this Refrigerator Rights conversation. Then Will recalls his study of stress and its health consequences, citing the work of Dr. Robert Sapolski of Stanford University, hoping is all enlightening.
    play Listen to The Loneliness Epidemic, Zebras & Baboons (Episode 3)
  2. Photo of a microphone with blue background.

    ‘Moving Mania’ & Happiness after Losses (Episode 2)

    The premise of Refrigerator Rights is the story of moving and relocation. How many times have you moved? How did you make connections when you landed? And then there are the issue of losses in our lives that disrupt our happy mood. Expert Dr. Sally Downham Miller offers some insights.
    play Listen to ‘Moving Mania’ & Happiness after Losses (Episode 2)
  3. Photo of a microphone with blue background.

    Happy? Who’s Happy? (Episode 1)

    Dr. Will shares the United Nations research that ranked the 'happiest' countries in the world. He shares what Finland does to be happier than the rest of us. Then Will and Dr. Glenn Sparks, his colleague at Purdue University, talk about the origins of their research and book called 'Refrigerator Rights' and the nation crisis of social isolation.
    play Listen to Happy? Who’s Happy? (Episode 1)