Category: Mental Health America

  1. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Twisting Religion!

    Abstract Admin

    I’ve been writing and speaking about social isolation for years. It’s our most significant health crisis. Finding solutions is challenging. Among the opportunities that people generally dismiss and ignore is participation in organizations and groups, populating our disconnected lives. And one of many opportunities to connect of course is in a faith community. That’s right […]

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  2. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Myth of Multitasking

    Abstract Admin

    What do you think when you have momentary memory issues? You know, when a thought is ‘on the tip of your tongue’ but evaporates mid sentence? Do you attribute this lapse to your age or the start of failing capacity? Well, take a breath, step on the brakes and consider what else might be going […]

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  3. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.


    Abstract Admin

    I was formally diagnosed with ‘severe’ Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) in my seventies! I have coped with the condition without intervention my entire life and career. It has had a price. The clinician remarked that being a comedian and performing I was in an ideal career for managing and coping without formal treatment. […]

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  4. Image for post: Going to Work, I’ll be right back.

    Going to Work, I’ll be right back.

    Abstract Admin

    I can’t recall which comic said it first, but I remembered his self effacing line about being a professional standup. It was something like ‘I only work an hour a night. So I’m going to work, but I’ll be right back.” And he spoke for all of us in comedy. And for me it was […]

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  5. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Election: What happened to Normal?

    Abstract Admin

    Let’s be honest, this election was nothing like recent, past Presidential contests over my lifetime. Frankly I am alarmed by what we halve done here. For disclosure, I have always been progressive and leaning Democratic. But I was never rigid or rabid. Each time I had a preference for a candidate. I preferred Obama but […]

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  6. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Credibility & Redemption: Can We Change?

    Abstract Admin

    If you’re following the trial in New York against Donald Trump, the headline story is the credibility of Michael Cohen who is testifying against him. With his sordid  reputation and history he is being rightfully assailed for his credibility. He has willingly admitted repeated lying and stealing in the past. So it makes his present […]

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  7. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Saturated Self

    Abstract Admin

    Friday, May 3, 2024 There are many factors that shape identity, and they can be shaped through both external and internal factors. Society, family, friends, ethnicity, culture, location, media, interests, self-expression, and life experiences are all common factors that shape identity. Psychologist Kenneth Gergen detailed his description of the ‘saturated self’ to describe being overwhelmed […]

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  8. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Let’s forgive each other… (you go first!)

    Abstract Admin

    I have been thinking quite a bit lately about forgiveness. Forgiving those who offend us is not a widely practiced habit or seemingly even highly valued these days. Among our close relationships there is usually pressure to reconcile and preserve the connection. But this is generally not the case among strangers. We are offended by […]

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  9. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Burned By Religion!

    Abstract Admin

    I’ve long lost count of hearing people tell me that they want nothing to do with organized religion. In some cases they’ve concluded that the whole enterprise conflicts with their understanding of scientific knowledge. It’s hard to resolve how they see our universe with the notion of a supreme being. And for many it’s rejecting […]

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