Topics and Trainings
Grow your Connections!
Easing the Social Isolation Issue
It’s a Major American health Crisis!
Dr. Will Miller’s Interactive Workshop for Your Team!
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, social isolation is the #1 Health crisis in America and must be urgently addressed. This condition has been caused by our domestic lifestyle common and accepted over decades. It features two related facts about recent and modern life. One is how much Americans move! Our serial relocation includes over 40 million Americans changing location every year! Piling onto this lifestyle disruption now add our habit of devoting at least six hours every single day to looking at our screens! This includes television, computers and our cell phones. Combining these two lifestyle habits, moving and media, we are naturally consumed, focused and increasingly isolated. And among the inevitable consequences Americans are suffering with increasing levels of mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression. And these trends do not even account for the additional social stressors that further exacerbate our separation and isolation such as the pandemic or fears of crime. All these factors increase our fears of not feeling safe. And human functioning depends on us feeling safe! So isolation is not simply loneliness, it is indeed our urgent health condition.
Addressing the Problem
Dr. Will Miller has spent a career speaking and teaching about this distinct issue through dozens of educational and inspirational keynote presentations to hundreds of organizations and companies. In addition Will teaches Strategic Communication in the graduate school of Purdue University. His analysis of our drift apart from each other was documented in the best selling book with colleague Dr. Glenn Sparks: ‘Refrigerator Rights: Creating Connections and Restoring Relationships.’ His keynote presentations have been widely praised, but going forward Will is now offering a new, dynamic interactive workshop presentation. There is a significant growing market emerging for workshops with strategies and solutions for change. Learning theory has verified higher retention of ideas and skills in this interactive model in contrast to models of passive listening. Active participation of attendees creates hands-on learning and promotes resilience. And this is transformative and life changing.
Exciting advances in neuroscience have given us new tools to facilitate and even change relationships. Therapist and trauma victim advocate Dr. Will Miller offers an enjoyable and engaging presentation for your group that offers insights and strategies for facilitating and strengthening relationships. This guided activity of social engagement along with insights into facial expressions are a new approach at initiating and changing our connections. Using the power of science based neuron mirroring can enable individuals to facilitate connection and empathy with colleagues, coworkers and clients in real time. And yes, the teaching and participation activities are enjoyable, humorous and non threatening. Have Dr Will lead your group through a fun experience that will be educational and life altering.
Best of all Will is a professional standup comedian!
His presentations are insightful & delightful!