
  1. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Twisting Religion!

    Abstract Admin

    I’ve been writing and speaking about social isolation for years. It’s our most significant health crisis. Finding solutions is challenging. Among the opportunities that people generally dismiss and ignore is participation in organizations and groups, populating our disconnected lives. And one of many opportunities to connect of course is in a faith community. That’s right […]

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  2. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Myth of Multitasking

    Abstract Admin

    What do you think when you have momentary memory issues? You know, when a thought is ‘on the tip of your tongue’ but evaporates mid sentence? Do you attribute this lapse to your age or the start of failing capacity? Well, take a breath, step on the brakes and consider what else might be going […]

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  3. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.


    Abstract Admin

    I was formally diagnosed with ‘severe’ Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder (ADHD) in my seventies! I have coped with the condition without intervention my entire life and career. It has had a price. The clinician remarked that being a comedian and performing I was in an ideal career for managing and coping without formal treatment. […]

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  4. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Drifted Away

    Abstract Admin

    For many years I have been writing and speaking about the problem of social isolation that is pervasive, even epidemic in American life. My interest comes from my own lived experience. I grew up in New York and Long Island in our large Irish Catholic family. Our life was full, busy and crowded. The were […]

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  5. Image for post: Going to Work, I’ll be right back.

    Going to Work, I’ll be right back.

    Abstract Admin

    I can’t recall which comic said it first, but I remembered his self effacing line about being a professional standup. It was something like ‘I only work an hour a night. So I’m going to work, but I’ll be right back.” And he spoke for all of us in comedy. And for me it was […]

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  6. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Locus of Control

    Abstract Admin

    As we await the start of the next administration, the country remains evenly divided. While half the population is excited with anticipation the other half lives with worry and even dread. Whatever side you were on, moving forward will demand personal adjusting and coping. And unless you are an individual with relevant power and influence […]

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  7. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    The Election: What happened to Normal?

    Abstract Admin

    Let’s be honest, this election was nothing like recent, past Presidential contests over my lifetime. Frankly I am alarmed by what we halve done here. For disclosure, I have always been progressive and leaning Democratic. But I was never rigid or rabid. Each time I had a preference for a candidate. I preferred Obama but […]

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  8. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    After the Election

    Abstract Admin

    A dark day in America. The unbelievable happened. Donald Trump was reelected. And I along with so many of my like minded friends are stunned into silence. And of course, right away the question is how do we go forward? What can you do when you can control the larger narrative? But I can control […]

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  9. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Election Anxiety: Will & Sally discuss election tensions and their consequences

    Abstract Admin (00:00.194) We have some family members that we know are divided politically. There’s where we are and where they are. And although I think some of the communication has been a little limited, we don’t really have any open antagonism toward our religious. A lot of people cannot say that. A lot of people […]

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  10. Photo of blog writer's workspace with coffee, notebooks, and tablet.

    Spirit Monday

    Abstract Admin

    At church yesterday, the scripture was from the gospel of Mark. And the headline was the execution of John the Baptist. Now John is really famous from the gospel. He was an itinerant Jewish preacher who became famous for calling people to repent. And specifically he wanted people to repent for drifting away from their […]

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