Still Moving Along
As I move along in age and career I have decided to take aim at more opportunities for serving. And my focus in this career adjustment will be in keeping with the skills and gifts that brought me to this place. I have had remarkably fortunate opportunities as a performer, comedian, media presence and Christian ministry (my disorganized form that doesn’t make me hurl!). And I have been at these activities for over forty years. I have engaged each of my opportunities simultaneously and actually quite compartmentalized. It’s been an amazing ride thanks to my enthusiasm and the weird gift of my ‘severe’ADHD diagnosis. Never sitting down and always restless and curious, I am beyond grateful for my drive toward education, teaching and performing. I have surely squandered so many opportunities with my pathological impulsivity. I have derailed my standup success, tanked my television opportunities and been a pain in the ass to every advisor, agent and family member along the way. Sally has been with me, amazingly for over forty years and we are happy and healthy. That said, I am not done, not even close. And unless something unexpected happens, like the cancer anvil falling on my head or some surprising catastrophe, I am still churning along. I will turn my time and energy to more opportunities for serving. For instance I will be more active on social media with my podcast and YouTube and this Blog. I will continue with my work as a trauma specialist with the police department and as an advocate for domestic abuse victims as well. Loving life while I have it. Onward.