Graduation Jolt
A few years after the publication of Refrigerator Rights, Glenn and I published an ebook. We called it Graduation Jolt. It talked about the particular challenge that college students inevitably face after their graduation. Although it’s something of a generalization, many, of not most students who attend college full time transition for their home life after high school to the active social environment of college. Friends in the dorm, the fraternity or sorority quickly replace the left behind friendships from home, high school, and hometown. And in many cases happily so. Transitioning from one engaged friendship setting to a new one eases the loss of friendships left. Well the situation is destined to repeat when they are now graduating from college. Leaving campus life and going off to adult work and career life is the most challenging transition yet. And it often involves a new job, a new location, and a perhaps a new relationship. But now when they land they are inevitably isolated and without the surrounding friends that were set up for them by the college lifestyle. This is the graduation jolt as they realize new realities. They have a degree, a new career, and maybe even a solid new love interest. But where is everyone else? And how can I find new people to fill in for the vacuum now being felt? This is a Refrigerator Rights challenges in real life. This is The Graduation Jolt! It’s an awakening.