Dr. Will Miller: Happiness in the Traumatized Society
During the Covid lockdown I spent my isolated time learning all I could about the science of human trauma. I started with Dr. Bezel Van Der Kolk’s best selling book: “The Body Keeps the Score”. This is the amazing primer on the topic. He is a marvel, a wonderful writer and teacher. It got me introduced to the field and its neuroscience, as well as the best known pathways back out to health. Since then I have continued more deep studies, including his detailed certification course. And that was just the start. My motivation was my work for the past decade with first responders, especially the police for whom I serve as a victim counselor. In fact it was the Lafayette Police Department that paid for me to take Dr. Van Der Kolk’s training. It was an obvious extension of my precious learning as a psychotherapist. And it is pertinent since first responders are front and center in the trauma crisis. In addition, my speaker agents began booking me to speak in front of other frontline professionals, including nurses, doctors, teachers, and others experiencing the enormous stress associated with Covid. I have loved this learning, and I continue to take courses. And I intend to just share it in manageable, bite-size segments. My insights have been gleaned from the many experts and professionals doing wonderful work in this area. And in addition, my own therapy practice with trauma victims has given me insights into what i see is helping when facing hurt victims. I am privileged to do this work and it is my calling going forward. So I hope you will be able to enjoy my blog posts, and I will keep them as interesting, and as compelling as I can. And I will freely share, using discretion, of course, the experiences I am having working in this field. Please share the link and reach out. A most important: BREATHE!